Text Analysis 2 - Intro to Natural Language Processing
Past event
Building on skills learned in our intro to tidytext
in R, in this workshop we will explore more advanced text mining and natural language processing techniques to extract information and make meaning of unstructured text, including topic modeling: using relationships between words in a collection of documents to identify clusters of common themes.
If you are interested in this workshop but new to text analysis, or need a refresher, we recommend working through the scripts from last quarter’s tidytext
workshop to prepare for the current workshop.
Tuesday April 23, 11:30-1 PM, DREAM Lab UCSB Library (RM 2322, Mountain side of the building on the second floor.)
RSVP HERE please (for in-person or remote)!
Pre-workshop prep:
- Install these packages, if not already installed:
- Fork and clone this repository for workshop materials and data: 2024-04-23-natural-language-processing